In instalment 30 of the Taming the Terminal series I showed how SSH keys can be used to more securely and conveniently connect to servers. The instructions in that instalment are for Linux-like OSes (including MacOS) where the standard OpenSSH tools are available.

Windows doesn’t ship with OpenSSH (or indeed any SSH implementation), so Windows users who want to SSH need to install some kind of additional software. With Windows 10 there is the obvious option of installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux, but people may prefer a GUI experience. The obvious choice for Windows users is the venerable free and open source PuTTY suite of tools.

The PuTTY SSH client itself is easy to use, and if you install the full suite of apps via the MSI installer (available on their download page) you’ll also get a GUI for generating SSH keys named PuTTYgen.

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This instalment is hosted on GitHub — Read the Show Notes Here.

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This post is part 90 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

This instalment is hosted on GitHub — Read the Show Notes Here.

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Listener @lbutlr pointed out on Twitter that the sample solution to the challenge set in PBS 88 as I originally posted it in PBS 89 had a bug — it sometimes got its maths spectacularly wrong!

PBS 88 Solution Bug

It’s important to note that the bug did not affect all currencies, just some currencies.

The line of code for doing the currency conversion is supremely simple:

const convAmount = baseAmount * rate;

How on earth can there be a bug that is something so simple that only manifests for some currencies but not for others?

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