This post is part 61 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

In the previous instalment we met our first so-called Bootstrap Component, the alert. This was our first example of a JavaScript enabled Bootstrap feature. As we learned last time, Bootstrap components are small generic pieces of functionality that are not provided by HTML out of the box. The aim is give website developers a leg up and save them from having to re-invent the same commonly used proverbial wheels over and over again.

While many, probably most, Bootstrap components either require JavaScript to function at all, or, require JavaScript for their more advanced features, that’s not true of all components, some of the simpler ones are implemented in pure CSS. We’ll look at two such simple components in this instalment – the wonderfully named Jumbotron, and badges.

You can Download this instalment’s ZIP file here.

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This post is part 60 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

So far we’ve looked at three our of the four aspects of Bootstrap — the utility CSS classes, the so-called content CSS classes for styling standard HTML components, and Bootstrap’s layout functionality (the grid & the breakpoints). So far, it’s all been pure CSS, we’ve not even imported the Bootstrap JavaScript library yet!

That changes in this instalment when we make a start on Bootstrap’s final aspect, so-called components. These are re-usable generic website components, and they rely on JavaScript for some or all of their functionality. To get the ball rolling we’ll take a look at just one very simple component, the Bootstrap alert.

You can Download this instalment’s ZIP file here.

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