This is the second shot from my walk along the Sliabh Beagh Way around this time last year. This shot was taken near the Penal Cross at the top of the mountain as we started our descent backdown. As you can see – these are very gently rolling mountains – not as dramatic as craggy peaks, but with a beauty all their own regardless.

The Sliabh Beagh Way

on FlickrFull-Size

  • Camera: Nikon D40
  • Lens: Nikon DX AFS 18-55mm (D40 kit lens)
  • Exposure: 1/500 sec
  • Focal Length: 18mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/8
  • ISO: 400
  • Camera Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Processing: created by tonemapping a single RAW image with Photomatix Pro, and then tweaking it a little in Aperture

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A few weeks ago I went for a hike with my parents along a stretch of the Sliabh Beagh Way in Co. Monaghan. This route runs through a range of rolling mountains on the border with Northern Ireland. I got a few shots along the way, but this one is my favourite.

The Sliabh Beagh Way
on FlickrFull-Size

  • Camera: Nikon D40
  • Lens: Nikon DX AFS 18-55mm (D40 kit lens)
  • Exposure: 1/640 sec
  • Focal Length: 18mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/8
  • ISO: 400
  • Camera Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Processing: This shot was generated by tonemapping the original RAW file with Photomatix Pro

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