This post is part 17 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

At this stage in the series we have made very good progress towards understanding the core JavaScript language. However, there is still one very important piece missing – objects. We have mentioned them in passing in almost every instalment, and each time, we put them off until later. We finally remedy that in this instalment.

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This post is part 16 of 92 in the series Programming by Stealth

In the previous instalment we introduced the concept of JavaScript functions. We learned how to all existing functions, and how to create out own.

In this instalment we’re going to take our understanding of functions to the next level. The techniques we encounter today would be considered advanced techniques in most other languages, and you could spend years developing in Java and never encounter an anonymous function. However, because of how JavaScript is integrated into HTML documents, these techniques are considered fundamental in JavaScript, and anonymous functions are a dime a dozen!

Before we delve into anonymous functions, we’ll start by taking a deeper look at how JavaScript deals with function arguments.

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