A lot of other bloggers do posts where they just list interesting articles they’ve read. It’s not something I’ve really considered before. However, I’ve recently started coming across some excellent articles that I think are worth sharing. So, I’m gonna give it a go. Consider this a trial. If you’re a regular reader let me know whether or not you’d be interested in reading more posts like this one by leaving a comment.

I know people don’t like it when I get political but this article is just too good not to share. If you’re an American this may well not make comfortable reading but the article is very well written and very well argued. For anyone with even a passing interest in the Iraq war this is a must-read article: Lessons on the surge from economics 101

Now that we have politics out of the way time to get more nerdy, this is an excellent article comparing a programmer’s worst night-mare, bugs, to magic. Sounds mad but trust me, there is definitely logic there: Bugs Are Magic Tricks

Finally I just want to end with a humorous insight into the software industry from the New Yourk Times’ David Pogue: Amusing Tales of Product Managers