My broadband has now returned to normal at long last (has been for about a week now). I actually credited Pat Kenny and Eircom with it for a few days but an email I got at the end of last week set me straight on that one. I had sent in a big long detailed description of my problem to the Pat Kenny Show when they did a bit on broadband and that duly got passed on to Eircom. I then got an email from an Eircom "escalations manager" asking for my landline number so I sent it to her and then, pretty much the next day (may have been the day after) my broadband suddenly sprung back into life. I naturally assumed this Eircom person had banged some heads together and got some results. Nope. Despite the fact that I had laid out in clear detail my situation, explaining that I was a DigiWeb Customer and that DigiWeb had a call with Eircom on my line that had been un-updated for almost two months I got back a one-liner from Eircom telling me I was not their customer and that I needed to talk to DigiWeb. Goes to show that their escalations people are either not literate or not bothered. Either way I let loose and really enjoyed writing my reply. It was very therapeutic.

Bottom Line, Eircom think it’s OK to bugger up everyone’s net connection for two months and then to get stroppy with people who complain at them. Bollox to that! The sooner our local exchange gets un-bundled the better!

The full Story: