Rumors are doing the rounds that the Intel based macs will have a different Boot Chime to the current G4/5 macs out there. One wonders why something this trivial and inconsequential would even warrant reporting but in the mac circles this is big news (if you don’t believe me google for it) and people seem to be genuinely emotive about the issue. This might lead you to believe that the mac startup chime is something special like Beethoven’s 5th or some such – nope, it just makes a load bong that scares the crap out of you if your volumes is up on the high side! Unless they make it do something genuinely annoying like play that stupid ‘Intel Inside’ jingle from the Intel adds I genuinely don’t give a shit what they do! People have said that Apple inspire fanaticism more than any other OS and when you read some of the comments on blogs and boards about something as trivial as the noise your mac makes about once a month when you need to reboot it you are left in no doubt about the existence of this fanaticism! What I’d like to know is HOW they inspire this crazy passion and loyalty, figure that out and you’re made for life!