Something that has confused me for a while now is how so called men of God can be so hate filled.“Thank God for the bombing of London’s subway today, wherein dozens were killed and hundreds seriously injured. Wish it was more”

Are these the words of Osama or of some other Islamic cleric? No, they are the words of a Christian reverend who goes by the name of Fred Phelps and he is an American.

How can people of God come out and say things like this?

Fred Phelps

Those of you who keep an eye on the more public hate mongers in the US should be familiar with Fred Phelps, he is the nice, loving man who pickets gay funerals with “God Hates Fags” signs, even funerals of the victims of hate crimes. He is also well known for his continued harassment of them memory of Matthew Sheppard, a gay teen beaten to death in the US a number of years ago. He picketed his funeral with signs saying “Matthew is in HELL” and tried to get a monument put up where he was killed with the words “Matthew Sheppard Entered Hell Here”.

This man thinks he is a Christian. I personally don’t see how he can be because it would appear that he is not living like Christ did. On the contrary, he is living in a way that Christ would have considered very bad in deed. Christ never excluded anyone, he spent his time with sinners and with people from other religions. He never treated them with intolerance, always tolerance and love. Jesus brought a message of love and told all his followers that they must “love one another as I have loved you”. I think Fred must have slept through that bit of the bible!

However, now that he has publicly supported murder and terrorism Phelps has gone yet further and proved that even the old testament passed him by as “thou shalt not kill” is also beyond his grasp of Christianity!

Mind you I have a feeling the man is a few cards short of a full deck because he blames the London bombings, not on the war in Iraq or Muslim extremism but on Homosexuals and on Britain’s support of civil unions for same sex couples! He said that Tony Blair and “his bitch barrister wife” are to blame because they have “led England to irreversible doom, pushing the fag agenda” and in so doing have turned England into the “island of the sodomite damned”. Did you know Cherie was in the cabinet? I sure didn’t!

Anyhow, the bottom line is that the man is speaking on behalf of Christians in the same sort of extreme and loony way that extremist Islamics do for Islam. We constantly hear in the news that ordinary Muslims must oppose and speak out against the extreme elements in their Religion, well, it would appear to me that Christians need to start heeding their own message and start speaking out against hate mongers like Phelps.