There is a lot of talk about ‘Creation Science’ and ‘Intelligent Design’ ATM because Kansas is yet again showing it self to be run by nutjobs. This entire debate is ridiculous because science and religion have nothing to do with each other and to try to force science teachers to teach the beliefs of one religion as science is just barmey since Intelligent design is philosophy not science!

Science is about devising a theory, devising an experiment to test that theory and then carrying out that test to see if the theory holds true. Key to this is ‘falsifiability’, if no experiment can be devised to possibly disprove your theory then it is not science!

Let me explain with an simple example first, and then a more complex one. Take Newton’s third law of motion, "for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction", to test this is elementary, you get into a boat with a cannon, fire the cannon and if you go back with as much acceleration as the cannon ball then Newton’s theory gains support, if not Newton was definitely wrong! To further support the theory you need to carry out more tests, each test that passes adds more weight to the theory but all it takes to kill a theory is one failure. This same concept still holds true at the very cutting edge of science, take the ‘Big Bang’ as an example, if there was a big bang there mush still be residual energy left over from it and that energy should be all pervasive but have cooled as the universe stretched, or to be more scientific, if there was a Big Bang there must be Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) with given properties, if scientists find this then that supports the big bang theory, if they look and it isn’t there then the big bang theory is falsified and we need to come up with a new theory.

That is how science works, we are never 100% sure of anything but each experiment that agrees with the theory adds more weight to it and our confidence in it rises but at all times it just takes one failure to falsify it and send the scientists back to the drawing board!

So, how does ‘Creation Science’ or the entirely equivalent ‘Intelligent Design’ theory fare in the cold light of science? Well it falls at the first hurdle because both theories have at their core the assumption that there is a God. That is an un-testable assumption, hence it is not possible to falsify it and hence it is not science. Simple, creationism is not science, it is a belief, hence all this rubbish about forcing it into the science curriculum is utter rubbish. This kind of tripe has been tried before in the times of the inquisitions, the church were wrong to fight science on the shape of the earth based on a literal interpretation of the bible and the religion right in America today are exactly as wrong to fight Evolution based in a literal interpretation of the bible.

Of course to me the ultimate irony is that science and religion don’t have to clash, if you read the bible bearing in mind that it was written by men thousands of years ago and then re-translated by more men over the millennea you can get the true message it contains out of it without getting hung with excessive literalism. Reading the bible while ignoring it’s history and context is a stupid thing to do and will result in you missing the whole bloody point, it’s not about a literal interpretation of the creation myth but a book about how to live!